Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Mirko (II) x1 MSR

Foundation (35 cards)

    • Quick Like a Rabbit x4 MSR
    • Solo Pro's Ferocity x4 MSR
    • Curious About Quirks x4 MSR
    • Latent Skill x4 MSR
    • A Mother's Embrace x3 SR
    • Warm and Bubbly x4 MSR
    • Ryukyu Agency Trainees x3 MSR
    • Decoy Duplicate x2 MSR
    • Basic Training x4 MSR
    • Fearsome Transformations x3 SR

Attack (20 cards - speed : 3.4 - dmg 4.8)

    • Luna Arc x4 MSR
    • One For All: Full Cowling 8% Falling Roundhouse x4 MSR
    • Recipro Turbo x4 MSR
    • Shoot Style: Knee Smash x4 MSR
    • Shoot Style: Mix-Up x4 MSR

Asset (3 cards)

    • Gran Torino Agency x2 MSR
    • Grenadier Bracers x1 MSR

Action (3 cards)

    • Seizing The Advantage x3 MSR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (0 cards)

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3x [Shoot Style: Mix-Up] added to deck2024-05-07 17:51:16
Removed "Rebound Side Kick"2024-05-07 17:51:14
1x [Shoot Style: Mix-Up] added to deck2024-05-07 17:50:50
1x [Quick Like a Rabbit] added to deck2024-05-07 17:47:00
2x [Fearsome Transformations] added to deck2024-05-07 11:48:24
Removed "Secret Family Technique"2024-05-07 11:48:20
1x [Fearsome Transformations] added to deck2024-05-07 11:48:14
Removed "Defiant Stance"2024-05-07 11:39:07
1x [Defiant Stance] added to deck2024-05-07 11:38:20
1x [Quick Like a Rabbit] removed from deck2024-05-07 11:37:18
1x [Ryukyu Agency Trainees] removed from deck2024-05-07 11:37:14
Removed "Rescue Specialist"2024-05-07 11:37:03
Removed "Nice Try!"2024-05-07 11:36:30
Removed ""Fusion""2024-05-07 11:36:10
1x ["Fusion"] added to deck2024-05-07 11:36:00
2x [Rescue Specialist] added to deck2024-05-07 11:35:57
Removed "Out Of Reach"2024-05-07 11:35:51
Removed "Fearsome Transformations"2024-05-07 11:35:44
2x [A Mother's Embrace] added to deck2024-05-07 11:35:38
Removed "Unabashed Manner"2024-05-07 11:35:32
1x [Curious About Quirks] added to deck2024-05-07 11:35:30
2x [Curious About Quirks] added to deck2024-05-07 11:35:28
Removed "Disciplinary Action"2024-05-07 11:35:26
Removed "Ready for a Rematch"2024-05-07 11:35:19
2x [Secret Family Technique] added to deck2024-05-07 11:35:12
3x [Ryukyu Agency Trainees] added to deck2024-05-07 11:34:47
1x [Decoy Duplicate] added to deck2024-05-07 11:34:43
0x [Decoy Duplicate] removed from deck2024-05-07 11:34:40
Removed "Rifle Arm"2024-05-07 11:34:36
Removed "Shameless Haggler"2024-05-07 11:34:34
3x [Quick Like a Rabbit] added to deck2024-05-07 11:34:32
Removed "Cheerleader"2024-05-07 11:34:26
Removed "Defiant Stance"2024-05-07 11:34:12
Removed "Glare Distraction"2024-05-07 11:33:57
3x [Latent Skill] added to deck2024-05-07 11:33:55
Removed "Teacher's Guidance"2024-05-07 11:33:53
Removed "Team Player"2024-05-07 11:32:27
Removed "Venture Forth from Syngorn"2024-05-07 11:32:25
1x [Solo Pro's Ferocity] added to deck2024-05-07 11:32:23
1x [Team Player] added to deck2024-05-07 11:32:05
2x [Solo Pro's Ferocity] added to deck2024-05-07 11:32:03
Removed "Clasp Membership"2024-05-07 11:31:46
Removed "Reluctant Role Model"2024-05-07 11:31:43
3x [Basic Training] added to deck2024-05-07 11:31:42
3x [Warm and Bubbly] added to deck2024-05-07 11:31:36
1x ["Fusion"] added to deck2024-05-07 11:31:19
Removed "Training With Gunhead"2024-05-07 11:31:13
1x [Training With Gunhead] added to deck2024-05-07 11:31:06
1x [Basic Training] added to deck2024-05-07 11:30:50
1x [Decoy Duplicate] added to deck2024-05-07 11:30:40
1x [Ryukyu Agency Trainees] added to deck2024-05-07 11:30:12
1x [Nice Try!] added to deck2024-05-07 11:29:57
1x [Team Player] added to deck2024-05-07 11:29:19
1x [Rescue Specialist] added to deck2024-05-07 11:29:12
1x [Reluctant Role Model] added to deck2024-05-07 11:28:56
1x [Warm and Bubbly] added to deck2024-05-07 11:28:35
1x [Fearsome Transformations] added to deck2024-05-07 11:27:51
1x [Out Of Reach] added to deck2024-05-07 11:27:38
1x [Venture Forth from Syngorn] added to deck2024-05-07 11:27:14
1x [Shameless Haggler] added to deck2024-05-07 11:27:00
1x [Clasp Membership] added to deck2024-05-07 11:26:36
1x [A Mother's Embrace] added to deck2024-05-07 11:26:32
1x [Cheerleader] added to deck2024-05-07 11:26:18
1x [Teacher's Guidance] added to deck2024-05-07 11:26:13
1x [Secret Family Technique] added to deck2024-05-07 11:26:04
1x [Ready for a Rematch] added to deck2024-05-07 11:25:59
1x [Latent Skill] added to deck2024-05-07 11:25:48
1x [Glare Distraction] added to deck2024-05-07 11:25:46
1x [Disciplinary Action] added to deck2024-05-07 11:25:34
1x [Defiant Stance] added to deck2024-05-07 11:25:25
1x [Curious About Quirks] added to deck2024-05-07 11:24:38
1x [Unabashed Manner] added to deck2024-05-07 11:24:24
1x [Solo Pro's Ferocity] added to deck2024-05-07 11:24:15
1x [Quick Like a Rabbit] added to deck2024-05-07 11:23:42
1x [Rifle Arm] added to deck2024-05-07 11:23:31
2x [Seizing The Advantage] added to deck2024-05-07 11:22:32
Removed "Juvenile Mayhem"2024-05-07 11:22:30
Removed "Cape of No Return"2024-05-07 11:22:17
1x [Gran Torino Agency] added to deck2024-05-07 11:22:14
Removed "Suited Up"2024-05-07 11:21:16
Removed "Air Force Gloves"2024-05-07 11:21:09
1x [Seizing The Advantage] added to deck2024-05-07 11:19:59
1x [Grenadier Bracers] added to deck2024-05-07 11:19:55
1x [Gran Torino Agency] added to deck2024-05-07 11:19:48
1x [Suited Up] added to deck2024-05-07 11:19:36
1x [Juvenile Mayhem] added to deck2024-05-07 11:18:45
1x [Air Force Gloves] added to deck2024-05-07 11:18:20
1x [Cape of No Return] added to deck2024-05-07 11:17:58
3x [Rebound Side Kick] added to deck2024-05-07 11:15:40
Removed "Jet Stream Crash"2024-05-07 11:15:37
1x [Rebound Side Kick] added to deck2024-05-07 11:15:29
Removed "Rabbit Cross Kick"2024-05-07 11:13:50
Removed "Frog Stomp"2024-05-07 11:13:43
Removed "Rebound Side Kick"2024-05-07 11:13:41
Removed "Jet Kickback"2024-05-07 11:13:39
Removed "Frog Strike"2024-05-07 11:13:37
Removed "Acrobatic Leap Kick"2024-05-07 11:13:35
Removed "Luna Ring"2024-05-07 11:13:30
Removed "Full Cowling Shoot Style"2024-05-07 11:13:26
Removed "Shoot Style: Mix-Up"2024-05-07 11:13:23
3x [Jet Stream Crash] added to deck2024-05-07 11:13:21
3x [Luna Arc] added to deck2024-05-07 11:11:30
3x [One For All: Full Cowling 8% Falling Roundhouse] added to deck2024-05-07 11:10:54
3x [Shoot Style: Knee Smash] added to deck2024-05-07 11:10:44
3x [Recipro Turbo] added to deck2024-05-07 11:09:42
Removed "Explosive Speed"2024-05-07 11:09:09
Removed "Biting Dragon Grab"2024-05-07 11:08:59
Removed "Flying Dragon Tackle"2024-05-07 11:08:44
1x [Rebound Side Kick] added to deck2024-05-07 11:06:40
1x [Jet Stream Crash] added to deck2024-05-07 11:06:29
1x [Jet Kickback] added to deck2024-05-07 11:06:01
1x [Frog Strike] added to deck2024-05-07 11:04:58
1x [Frog Stomp] added to deck2024-05-07 11:04:44
1x [Acrobatic Leap Kick] added to deck2024-05-07 11:04:01
1x [Shoot Style: Knee Smash] added to deck2024-05-07 11:03:14
1x [Shoot Style: Mix-Up] added to deck2024-05-07 11:03:01
1x [Recipro Turbo] added to deck2024-05-07 11:02:50
1x [One For All: Full Cowling 8% Falling Roundhouse] added to deck2024-05-07 11:02:37
1x [Full Cowling Shoot Style] added to deck2024-05-07 11:02:26
1x [Explosive Speed] added to deck2024-05-07 11:02:22
1x [Flying Dragon Tackle] added to deck2024-05-07 11:02:11
1x [Biting Dragon Grab] added to deck2024-05-07 11:02:02
1x [Rabbit Cross Kick] added to deck2024-05-07 11:01:46
1x [Luna Ring] added to deck2024-05-07 11:01:33
1x [Luna Arc] added to deck2024-05-07 11:01:25
1x [Mirko (II)] added to deck2024-05-07 11:00:28
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.75

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 61 61 2.2 2.46 4.31
Attack 20 20 1.8 4.4 3
Foundation 35 35 2.4 1.37 4.94
Asset 3 3 2.67 1.67 5
Action 3 3 2 3 5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 15 1.93 0
Mid 32 2.44 0
Low 14 1.93 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 67.21% 32.79% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 63.93% 3.28% 32.79% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 63.93% 3.28% 32.79% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 63.93% 3.28% 32.79% 0% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 63.93% 3.28% 32.79% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 63.93% 3.28% 32.79%