Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Izuku Midoriya (II) x1 MSR

Foundation (37 cards)

    • One With Nature x3 R
    • Any Means Necessary x2 MSR
    • New Training Method x3 MSR
    • It Can't Be Fixed x4 MR
    • You're Finished x4 MSR
    • Public Support x2 MSR
    • Self Sacrifice x3 MR
    • Passing the Torch x4 MR
    • Destined For Mainstream Success x4 MR
    • Specialist Of Sound x3 MR
    • Pull No Punches x3 MR
    • Note Taking x2 MR

Attack (19 cards - speed : 3.68 - dmg 4.68)

    • Back Alley Haymaker x4 R
    • Wind-Up Punch x3 MSR
    • One For All: Full Cowling 5% Strike x1 MR
    • Valiant Assault x4 MSR
    • Texas Smash x3 MR
    • Heroic Strike x2 MR
    • Vanquishing Punch x2 MSR

Asset (0 cards)

Action (2 cards)

    • Capture Evil-Doers x2 R

Backup (0 cards)

Side (10 cards)

    • You're So Obvious x2 MR
    • Reverse Throw x2 MR
    • Cheerleader x2 MSR
    • To The Rescue x2 MSR
    • Sense Of Justice x2 MSR

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Deck name changed2023-03-27 03:16:20
Removed "Forced To Revert"2023-03-26 17:42:46
2x [Forced To Revert] added to deck2023-03-26 17:40:40
2x [Sense Of Justice] added to deck2023-03-26 17:40:32
Removed "Lost In Thought"2023-03-26 17:37:47
Removed "Note Taking"2023-03-26 16:58:58
2x [Note Taking] added to deck2023-03-26 16:58:56
2x [To The Rescue] added to deck2023-03-26 16:58:07
Removed "Note Taking"2023-03-26 16:57:36
2x [Note Taking] added to deck2023-03-26 16:57:33
Removed "Pull No Punches"2023-03-26 16:57:24
1x [Pull No Punches] added to deck2023-03-26 16:57:22
1x [Destined For Mainstream Success] added to deck2023-03-26 16:56:15
Removed "Male Bonding"2023-03-26 16:56:12
1x [One With Nature] removed from deck2023-03-26 16:56:08
1x [Public Support] removed from deck2023-03-26 16:55:49
1x [Passing the Torch] added to deck2023-03-26 16:55:45
1x [Valiant Assault] added to deck2023-03-26 16:55:41
1x [Wind-Up Punch] added to deck2023-03-26 16:55:24
1x [Texas Smash] removed from deck2023-03-26 16:55:14
2x [Male Bonding] added to deck2023-03-26 05:29:31
Removed "Setup Strike"2023-03-26 05:02:04
1x [Wind-Up Punch] added to deck2023-03-26 05:01:29
1x [Heroic Strike] added to deck2023-03-26 05:01:02
1x [Setup Strike] removed from deck2023-03-26 05:00:59
1x [Wind-Up Punch] removed from deck2023-03-26 04:59:16
2x [Lost In Thought] added to deck2023-03-26 04:58:30
Removed "Capture Evil-Doers"2023-03-26 04:58:24
2x [Pull No Punches] added to deck2023-03-26 04:58:13
1x [Pull No Punches] removed from deck2023-03-26 04:58:11
3x [Pull No Punches] added to deck2023-03-26 04:57:54
1x [Passing the Torch] removed from deck2023-03-26 04:57:38
Removed "You're So Obvious"2023-03-26 04:57:36
2x [Cheerleader] removed from deck2023-03-26 04:57:10
1x [Reverse Throw] removed from deck2023-03-26 04:55:04
Removed "Reverse Throw"2023-03-26 04:55:02
2x [Reverse Throw] added to deck2023-03-26 04:54:58
1x [Heroic Strike] removed from deck2023-03-26 04:53:04
Removed "Reverse Throw"2023-03-26 04:52:46
1x [Reverse Throw] added to deck2023-03-26 04:52:45
2x [Capture Evil-Doers] added to deck2023-03-26 04:52:37
Removed "Specialist Of Sound"2023-03-26 04:52:35
2x [Reverse Throw] added to deck2023-03-26 04:52:24
1x [You're So Obvious] removed from deck2023-03-26 04:52:22
0x [You're So Obvious] removed from deck2023-03-26 04:52:19
2x [Vanquishing Punch] added to deck2023-03-26 04:52:09
Removed "Cheerleader"2023-03-26 04:34:09
1x [Cheerleader] added to deck2023-03-26 04:34:07
2x [Specialist Of Sound] added to deck2023-03-26 04:34:04
1x [Specialist Of Sound] removed from deck2023-03-26 04:34:02
1x [Reverse Throw] removed from deck2023-03-26 04:33:55
1x [Heroic Strike] added to deck2023-03-26 04:33:53
2x [Specialist Of Sound] removed from deck2023-03-26 04:33:47
4x [Cheerleader] added to deck2023-03-26 04:33:44
0x [You're So Obvious] removed from deck2023-03-26 04:33:42
2x [You're So Obvious] added to deck2023-03-26 04:33:24
1x [Public Support] added to deck2023-03-26 04:28:29
1x [Specialist Of Sound] removed from deck2023-03-26 04:28:27
2x [Specialist Of Sound] added to deck2023-03-26 04:28:16
Removed "Determined"2023-03-26 04:28:15
2x [Passing the Torch] added to deck2023-03-26 03:36:56
1x [Self Sacrifice] removed from deck2023-03-26 03:36:53
2x [Specialist Of Sound] added to deck2023-03-26 03:25:31
Removed "Cheerleader"2023-03-26 03:24:37
Removed "You're So Obvious"2023-03-26 03:24:36
1x [You're So Obvious] added to deck2023-03-26 03:24:34
1x [Cheerleader] added to deck2023-03-26 03:24:31
1x [Reverse Throw] added to deck2023-03-26 03:24:22
3x [Cheerleader] added to deck2023-03-26 03:24:18
3x [You're So Obvious] added to deck2023-03-26 03:24:16
Removed "Invisible Infiltration"2023-03-26 03:24:11
Removed "Toru Hagakure (II)"2023-03-26 03:24:10
1x [Reverse Throw] added to deck2023-03-26 03:03:39
Removed "Capture Evil-Doers"2023-03-26 03:03:37
1x [Reverse Throw] removed from deck2023-03-26 02:20:43
1x [Reverse Throw] added to deck2023-03-26 02:20:42
1x [Heroic Strike] removed from deck2023-03-26 02:20:39
1x [Invisible Infiltration] removed from deck2023-03-26 02:20:06
4x [Invisible Infiltration] added to deck2023-03-26 02:19:50
1x [Capture Evil-Doers] removed from deck2023-03-26 02:19:30
1x [Cheerleader] removed from deck2023-03-26 02:19:26
1x [Cheerleader] added to deck2023-03-26 02:19:02
Removed "All Might (III)"2023-03-26 02:18:51
Removed "Cheerleader"2023-03-26 02:18:42
1x [Cheerleader] removed from deck2023-03-26 02:18:41
2x [Cheerleader] added to deck2023-03-26 02:18:38
1x [Capture Evil-Doers] added to deck2023-03-26 02:18:32
1x [Capture Evil-Doers] removed from deck2023-03-26 02:18:28
1x [Note Taking] removed from deck2023-03-26 02:17:58
1x [Destined For Mainstream Success] removed from deck2023-03-26 02:17:57
Removed "Reverse Throw"2023-03-26 02:17:44
1x [Capture Evil-Doers] removed from deck2023-03-25 03:13:23
1x [Capture Evil-Doers] added to deck2023-03-25 03:13:21
Removed "Lost In Thought"2023-03-25 03:13:19
4x [Capture Evil-Doers] added to deck2023-03-25 03:13:02
1x [Cheerleader] added to deck2023-03-24 21:46:53
1x [Reverse Throw] removed from deck2023-03-24 21:46:40
Removed "Specialist Of Sound"2023-03-24 21:41:31
1x [All Might (III)] added to deck2023-03-24 21:41:06
1x [Toru Hagakure (II)] added to deck2023-03-24 21:38:10
1x [Any Means Necessary] removed from deck2023-03-24 21:36:11
0x [Any Means Necessary] removed from deck2023-03-24 21:36:02
1x [Reverse Throw] removed from deck2023-03-24 21:35:19
1x [Reverse Throw] added to deck2023-03-24 21:35:13
Removed "Final Smash"2023-03-24 21:35:08
1x [New Training Method] removed from deck2023-03-24 21:34:27
1x [Note Taking] removed from deck2023-03-24 21:34:17
2x [Note Taking] added to deck2023-03-24 21:32:59
1x [You're So Obvious] added to deck2023-03-24 21:31:44
Removed "Kindle The Flames"2023-03-24 21:31:39
Removed "Cheerleader"2023-03-24 21:31:13
1x [Final Smash] added to deck2023-03-24 21:29:46
1x [Specialist Of Sound] removed from deck2023-03-24 21:29:13
1x [You're So Obvious] removed from deck2023-03-24 21:29:08
1x [Kindle The Flames] removed from deck2023-03-24 21:28:28
Removed "High Value Target"2023-03-24 21:28:21
2x [Specialist Of Sound] added to deck2023-03-24 21:28:08
2x [Specialist Of Sound] removed from deck2023-03-24 21:28:03
2x [Cheerleader] added to deck2023-03-24 21:27:58
Removed "Final Smash"2023-03-24 21:27:26
1x [Any Means Necessary] removed from deck2023-03-24 21:27:12
2x [Public Support] removed from deck2023-03-24 21:27:01
3x [Specialist Of Sound] added to deck2023-03-24 21:26:36
1x [Cheerleader] added to deck2023-03-24 21:26:30
1x [Passing the Torch] removed from deck2023-03-24 21:25:25
Removed "Joint Effort Offensive"2023-03-24 21:24:12
1x [Specialist Of Sound] added to deck2023-03-24 20:30:19
1x [High Value Target] added to deck2023-03-24 20:29:47
1x [Cheerleader] added to deck2023-03-24 20:28:47
1x [Lost In Thought] added to deck2023-03-24 20:28:23
3x [Kindle The Flames] added to deck2023-03-24 20:27:23
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.76

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 58 58 2.16 2.41 4.26
Attack 19 19 1.79 4.53 3
Foundation 37 37 2.41 1.35 4.86
Asset 0 0 - - -
Action 2 2 1 2 5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 22 1.91 0
Mid 17 2.29 0
Low 19 2.32 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 67.24% 32.76% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 58.62% 8.62% 32.76% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 58.62% 8.62% 32.76% 0% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 58.62% 8.62% 32.76% 0% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 58.62% 8.62% 32.76% 0%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 58.62% 8.62% 32.76%