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of 1x
Jester Lavorre, Prankster Priestess
of 4x
Wound / Restore
of 4x
Big Freakin' Explosion
of 4x
Duplicitious Attack
of 2x
Spirit Lollipop
of 4x
Targeting Blast
of 2x
Rando's Spirit Gun
of 2x
Cape of No Return
of 4x
Playing Pranks
of 3x
The Best Detectives
of 4x
Fearsome Transformations
of 3x
Hiding in Plain Sight
of 4x
A Master's Pride
of 1x
Forced Quirk Activation
of 4x
Easily Excited
of 3x
Chivalrous Competitor
of 2x
Struggling With Studies
of 4x
Black Abyss
of 2x
Strategic Meeting
of 4x
Teacher's Guidance
of 4x
Basic Training