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of 1x
Pony Tsunotori
of 4x
Warm and Bubbly
of 4x
#10 Pro Hero
of 4x
A Mother's Embrace
of 4x
Mikasa's Admission
of 3x
of 3x
Chivalrous Competitor
of 2x
Push the Advantage
of 4x
Feral Shriek
of 4x
Any Means Necessary
of 4x
Revel At His Masterpiece
of 3x
New Training Method
of 2x
Learning The Standards
of 1x
Incredible Display
of 1x
Seizing The Advantage
of 1x
Sugar Rush Power-Up
of 4x
Spirit Slash
of 3x
Lethal Slash
of 4x
Wish Hard
of 3x
Falling Skies
of 4x
Battle Aura Release
of 4x
Electric Moth
of 3x
Grape Buckler
of 3x
Referee Juri
of 2x
of 2x
Forcing Surrender