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of 1x
Endeavor (III)
of 3x
Flashfire Fist: Jet Kindling
of 3x
Gigantification Swing
of 3x
Walk The Dog
of 4x
Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider
of 1x
PLUS ULTRA: Prominence Burn
of 4x
Vile Seizing
of 3x
Shinobi Prodigy
of 4x
Botan's Coaching
of 4x
One Man Inferno
of 2x
The New #1
of 3x
Hacker Extraordinaire
of 4x
Lust For Battle
of 3x
Idol Work
of 3x
Ice Gliding
of 2x
Award The Victor
of 3x
In Control
of 3x
Kindle The Flames
of 3x
Run Away!
of 3x
Patchwork Baby
of 3x
Fighting for Control
of 3x
Heaven-Piercing Ice Wall
of 3x
Repeated 100% Smash