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of 1x
Fresh Cut Grass, Positive Reinforcement
of 4x
Air Force Style
of 4x
Wound / Restore
of 4x
Spirit Lollipop
of 4x
Spreading the Word
of 4x
Rejuvenating Smash
of 4x
Body Rejuvenation
of 4x
Recovery Time
of 4x
Carbo Loading
of 1x
of 1x
Idun Box
of 4x
Shameless Haggler
of 4x
Breaking the Cuffs
of 4x
Sing for Me
of 4x
Jaw Jammer
of 2x
Cannon Blast
of 1x
Villainous Teamwork
of 4x
Storm of Arrows
of 4x
Clasp Membership
of 4x
Syndicate Target
of 4x
Overhead Reversal
of 1x
Spirit Beast Puu
of 1x
#7 Pro Hero
of 1x
U.A. High
of 1x
Interdimensional Plants
of 1x
Gold Tips Imperial
of 1x
#10 Pro Hero
of 1x
Hungry for Fame