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of 1x
Nicholas D. Wolfwood
of 3x
Surging Crystal Darts
of 2x
Chronostasis Trigger
of 1x
Needle Stab
of 2x
Punisher's Beam
of 3x
Steady Shot
of 2x
Nimble Maneuver
of 4x
Merciful Volley
of 3x
Fan the Hammer
of 3x
Avoiding Conflict
of 2x
of 2x
Decisions, Decisions
of 4x
Get the Scoop
of 4x
Grasping for Answers
of 3x
Prideless Negotiations
of 3x
Seen It All
of 4x
Suspended Bounty
of 3x
Defending Pageant Queen
of 2x
Hacker Extraordinaire
of 4x
Easily Excited
of 3x
Snack Time
of 2x
Chivalrous Competitor
of 3x
Unexpected Hero