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of 1x
Midnight (II)
of 2x
Sniping Spy
of 4x
Somnambulist Subdual
of 3x
Dire Assault
of 3x
Double Jab Pummel
of 4x
Personal Reload
of 3x
Disarming Glance
of 3x
Shinobi Prodigy
of 3x
of 3x
Internet Sensation
of 3x
Hacker Extraordinaire
of 3x
Practical Studies
of 4x
Easily Excited
of 3x
Idol Work
of 1x
of 2x
Nott's Flask
of 3x
Cape of No Return
of 1x
Genkai's Guidance
of 3x
Barrier Shield
of 3x
Repeated 100% Smash
of 4x
Beautiful Energy Blast
of 3x
Acid Sprinkler
of 3x
A Life of Danger
of 3x
Sniper's Combo
of 3x
Blueflame Surge
of 3x
Rifle Arm
of 2x
Masho Concealment
of 2x
Taiyaki Fanatic