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of 1x
Paul Phoenix
of 4x
Heaven-Piercing Ice Wall
of 4x
Focused Attack
of 4x
Capture the Target
of 4x
Feral Shriek
of 3x
Fighting for Control
of 4x
The Final Test
of 4x
Botan's Coaching
of 2x
The New #1
of 2x
Hacker Extraordinaire
of 4x
You're Finished
of 1x
Award The Victor
of 4x
Acrobatic Style
of 4x
Attack Titan's Haymaker
of 4x
Double Jumbo Fist
of 1x
Genkai's Guidance
of 3x
Wind-Up Punch
of 3x
Ecological Fighter
of 4x
Kazama-Style Traditional Martial Arts
of 2x
The New #1
of 3x
Barrier Buster
of 3x
Teaming with the Attack Titan
of 3x
of 1x
Idun Box
of 3x
Jun's Flowing Strikes
of 1x
Mechagodzilla, Kiryu