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of 1x
Fumikage Tokoyami
of 4x
Summon Dark Shadow
of 4x
Dark Shadow Ruin
of 4x
Dark Shadow Talon
of 2x
Dark Shadow Slash
of 2x
Massive Flash Freeze
of 4x
Ice Storm
of 3x
Giant Ice Wall
of 4x
Back To Back
of 4x
Clever Distraction
of 4x
Cool Student
of 4x
Stronger In Darkness
of 4x
Latent Skill
of 2x
of 2x
Irrefutable Force Of Nature
of 1x
of 4x
Calling For Backup
of 2x
Fulfilled My Duty
of 3x
Heroic Lineage
of 1x
Natural Leader
of 2x
Irrefutable Force Of Nature
of 2x
Fulfilled My Duty
of 3x
Capture Evil-Doers
of 3x
Natural Leader