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of 1x
Grog Strongjaw, Mighty Half-Giant
of 2x
Grog's Rage
of 1x
Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider
of 3x
Red Counter
of 2x
Titanic Combat
of 4x
Dragon's Fortitude
of 2x
Heat Tolerance
of 4x
Fearsome Transformations
of 4x
Toughest Punk in Junior High
of 2x
The New #1
of 4x
Ultra Regeneration
of 3x
Facing Danger
of 2x
Big Appetite
of 3x
Strong Windup
of 1x
Survival of the Fittest
of 4x
Unstoppable Force
of 4x
Horn Dash Hammer
of 4x
Stoic Enmity
of 4x
Tough Skin
of 1x
Dragon's Fortitude
of 1x
Exam Strategy
of 2x
Weapon Clash
of 4x
Warm and Bubbly
of 3x
Titanstone Knuckles
of 2x
Referee Juri
of 4x
Orphanmaker's Fury
of 1x
of 4x
City Rampage
of 1x
"I Would Like to Rage!"
of 4x
Decapitating Swing
of 4x
Cleaving Swipe