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of 1x
Izuku Midoriya, On the Move
of 4x
Fa Jin Flurry
of 4x
Rapid Rescue
of 3x
Smokescreen Charge
of 3x
Rejuvenating Smash
of 4x
Fifth Wielder: Blackwhip
of 1x
First Wielder: One for All
of 3x
Second Wielder
of 4x
Curious About Quirks
of 3x
Team Stash
of 3x
Shameless Haggler
of 3x
Immortal Shapeshifter
of 1x
Masho Concealment
of 2x
Keiko's Aid
of 4x
Fast Friendship
of 4x
Syndicate Target
of 3x
#10 Pro Hero
of 3x
Keeping Eri Safe
of 3x
High Value Target
of 2x
Incredible Display
of 1x
Tattered Costume
of 2x
Vertical Maneuvering Equipment
of 1x
Idun Box
of 4x
Defiant Stance
of 3x
Instant Shining Flash
of 2x
Seventh Wielder: Float
of 3x
Midst of Despair
of 2x
Jaw Jammer
of 2x
Wielding One For All