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of 1x
Endeavor (II)
of 4x
Quick To Act
of 4x
Press Conference
of 4x
Rapid Punches
of 3x
Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider
of 3x
The New #1
of 4x
Prominence Burn
of 4x
Sugar Rush Power-Up
of 1x
Endeavor (III)
of 3x
of 3x
One Man Inferno
of 3x
Blueflame Torment
of 3x
Unmatched Quickness
of 4x
Gotta Go Faster
of 3x
Thinking On The Fly
of 2x
Darkness Dragon Prowess
of 3x
PLUS ULTRA: Prominence Burn
of 4x
Revel At His Masterpiece
of 4x
Protecting Yukina
of 4x
League Interview
of 3x
Ignited Arrow
of 3x
Desperate Slash
of 3x
Mastering the Dragon
of 2x
Cute Host Koto
of 1x
Darkness Dragon Prowess
of 1x
Blueflame Torment
of 3x
Ignited Arrow
of 3x
I'll Protect You