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of 1x
Grog Strongjaw, Mighty Half-Giant
of 2x
"I Would Like to Rage!"
of 3x
Referee Juri
of 3x
of 3x
Pact of Wrath
of 2x
Defeating the Colossus Titan
of 4x
Electric Moth
of 4x
Battle Aura Release
of 4x
Aura Slam
of 4x
Stoic Enmity
of 4x
Unrelenting Brute
of 4x
Capture the Target
of 2x
Bellow of Rage
of 2x
History's Greatest Monster
of 3x
Moth Monster
of 2x
Titanic Combat
of 4x
Weapon Clash
of 4x
Fearsome Transformations
of 4x
One Man Inferno
of 3x
High Value Target
of 4x
Unyielding Rage