Forum Code Proxy List

Character (0 cards)

    • Midnight (II) x1 MSR

Foundation (39 cards)

    • Personal Reload x4 MSR
    • Disarming Glance x3 MSR
    • Shinobi Prodigy x3 SR
    • Elasticity x3 MSR
    • Internet Sensation x3 MSR
    • Hacker Extraordinaire x3 MSR
    • Practical Studies x3 MSR
    • Easily Excited x4 MR
    • Idol Work x3 MR
    • A Life of Danger x3 MSR
    • Rifle Arm x3 MSR
    • Masho Concealment x2 SR
    • Taiyaki Fanatic x2 MR

Attack (22 cards - speed : 3.86 - dmg 3.59)

    • Sniping Spy x2 MSR
    • Somnambulist Subdual x4 MSR
    • Dire Assault x3 MSR
    • Beautiful Energy Blast x4 SR
    • Acid Sprinkler x3 MSR
    • Sniper's Combo x3 MSR
    • Blueflame Surge x3 MSR

Asset (5 cards)

    • Nott's Flask x2 SR
    • Cape of No Return x3 SR

Action (1 cards)

    • Genkai's Guidance x1 SR

Backup (0 cards)

Side (10 cards)

    • Double Jab Pummel x3 MR
    • "SPoOoOoOoKY!" x1 MR
    • Barrier Shield x3 MSR
    • Repeated 100% Smash x3 MSR

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0x [Midnight (II)] removed from deck2024-05-11 21:30:57
1x [Sniper's Combo] added to deck2024-05-11 20:36:02
Removed "Botan's Coaching"2024-05-11 20:34:45
Removed "Can't Escape Me"2024-05-11 20:31:18
2x [Taiyaki Fanatic] added to deck2024-05-11 20:29:50
2x [Masho Concealment] added to deck2024-05-11 20:11:11
3x [Rifle Arm] added to deck2024-05-11 20:10:02
1x [Easily Excited] added to deck2024-05-11 20:09:14
Removed "Will of Steel"2024-05-11 02:29:35
Removed "Heat Tolerance"2024-05-11 02:29:26
Removed "Unexpected Hero"2024-05-11 01:53:46
3x [Blueflame Surge] added to deck2024-05-11 01:53:17
Removed "Mop Strike"2024-05-11 01:52:22
1x [Sniper's Combo] removed from deck2024-05-05 00:03:01
3x [Sniper's Combo] added to deck2024-05-05 00:02:52
1x [Beautiful Energy Blast] added to deck2024-05-04 23:58:38
1x [A Life of Danger] removed from deck2024-05-04 23:58:18
1x [Sniping Spy] removed from deck2024-05-04 23:58:15
1x [Sniping Spy] removed from deck2024-05-04 23:58:03
2x [ "SPoOoOoOoKY!"] removed from deck2024-05-04 23:57:20
Removed "Rejuvenating Smash"2024-05-04 23:57:14
Removed "Into The Fray"2024-05-04 23:57:09
Removed "Pass Through Walls"2024-05-04 23:57:03
Removed "Somnambulism"2024-05-04 23:56:59
Removed "Ice Sword Execution"2024-05-04 23:56:50
Removed "Size Reduction"2024-05-04 23:56:48
1x [Botan's Coaching] added to deck2024-05-04 23:53:10
1x [Botan's Coaching] removed from deck2024-05-04 23:52:45
1x [Cape of No Return] added to deck2024-05-04 23:52:17
Removed "Psychic Spirit Glass"2024-05-04 23:52:15
Removed "Creeped Out"2024-05-04 23:50:50
Removed "Taiyaki Fanatic"2024-05-04 23:50:37
4x [A Life of Danger] added to deck2024-05-04 23:50:08
1x [Sniping Spy] added to deck2024-05-04 23:49:39
1x [Mop Strike] added to deck2024-05-04 23:49:22
Removed "Soaring Bullet"2024-05-04 23:49:12
Removed "Overwatch Trigger"2024-05-04 23:49:00
3x [Acid Sprinkler] added to deck2024-05-04 23:48:27
1x [Soaring Bullet] added to deck2024-05-04 23:47:58
3x [Beautiful Energy Blast] added to deck2024-05-04 23:47:12
Removed "Blueflame Surge"2024-05-04 23:46:16
Removed "Repeated 100% Smash"2024-05-04 23:45:36
3x [Repeated 100% Smash] added to deck2024-05-04 23:45:34
3x [Barrier Shield] added to deck2024-05-04 23:43:47
1x [Psychic Spirit Glass] added to deck2024-05-04 23:43:14
1x [Genkai's Guidance] added to deck2024-05-04 23:43:08
2x [Cape of No Return] added to deck2024-05-04 23:43:04
2x [Nott's Flask] added to deck2024-05-04 23:42:59
Removed "Disrespectful Banter"2024-05-04 23:42:22
1x [Internet Sensation] removed from deck2024-05-04 23:42:01
Removed "All Worked Up"2024-05-04 23:37:33
Removed "First Impressions"2024-05-04 23:37:13
Removed "Ultra Regeneration"2024-05-04 23:37:02
Removed "Keeping Eri Safe"2024-05-04 23:31:54
Removed "Condescending Explanation"2024-05-04 23:31:17
2x [Disrespectful Banter] removed from deck2024-05-04 23:30:57
Removed "Maximum Viscosity"2024-05-04 23:30:35
3x [First Impressions] added to deck2024-05-04 23:30:14
3x [Taiyaki Fanatic] added to deck2024-05-04 23:29:59
3x [ "SPoOoOoOoKY!"] added to deck2024-05-04 23:29:43
3x [Unexpected Hero] added to deck2024-05-04 23:29:28
3x [Idol Work] added to deck2024-05-04 23:28:53
3x [Easily Excited] added to deck2024-05-04 23:28:50
3x [All Worked Up] added to deck2024-05-04 23:28:43
2x [Can't Escape Me] added to deck2024-05-04 23:28:30
1x [Into The Fray] added to deck2024-05-04 23:27:59
3x [Pass Through Walls] added to deck2024-05-04 23:26:53
3x [Practical Studies] added to deck2024-05-04 23:26:46
3x [Keeping Eri Safe] added to deck2024-05-04 23:26:32
3x [Hacker Extraordinaire] added to deck2024-05-04 23:26:17
3x [Creeped Out] added to deck2024-05-04 23:26:12
3x [Ultra Regeneration] added to deck2024-05-04 23:26:05
4x [Internet Sensation] added to deck2024-05-04 23:25:39
3x [Elasticity] added to deck2024-05-04 23:25:31
4x [Botan's Coaching] added to deck2024-05-04 23:24:54
3x [Shinobi Prodigy] added to deck2024-05-04 23:24:49
3x [Will of Steel] added to deck2024-05-04 23:23:53
3x [Heat Tolerance] added to deck2024-05-04 23:23:45
4x [Disrespectful Banter] added to deck2024-05-04 23:23:36
3x [Condescending Explanation] added to deck2024-05-04 23:23:13
3x [Disarming Glance] added to deck2024-05-04 23:23:08
3x [Maximum Viscosity] added to deck2024-05-04 23:22:48
4x [Personal Reload] added to deck2024-05-04 23:22:14
3x [Double Jab Pummel] added to deck2024-05-04 23:21:39
3x [Somnambulism] added to deck2024-05-04 23:21:20
3x [Rejuvenating Smash] added to deck2024-05-04 23:20:48
3x [Mop Strike] added to deck2024-05-04 23:20:26
3x [Ice Sword Execution] added to deck2024-05-04 23:20:18
3x [Repeated 100% Smash] added to deck2024-05-04 23:18:52
3x [Size Reduction] added to deck2024-05-04 23:18:00
3x [Blueflame Surge] added to deck2024-05-04 23:17:33
3x [Dire Assault] added to deck2024-05-04 23:17:03
4x [Somnambulist Subdual] added to deck2024-05-04 23:16:58
3x [Sniping Spy] added to deck2024-05-04 23:16:24
3x [Overwatch Trigger] added to deck2024-05-04 23:15:51
1x [Midnight (II)] added to deck2024-05-04 23:15:24
Deck Stability (the higher, the better) : 1.85

Overall Stats

Number of cards Cards with block Average block modifier Average difficulty Average control
Total 67 67 2.48 2.25 4.18
Attack 22 22 1.82 4.14 2.91
Foundation 39 39 2.82 1.23 4.85
Asset 5 5 2.6 2.2 4.4
Action 1 1 3 1 5
Character 0 0 - - -
Backup 0 0 - - -


Total Average Block Modifier 0
High 27 2.7 0
Mid 21 2.14 0
Low 19 2.53 0

Risks of commiting X foundations

Difficulty / Commited fundation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
3 97.01% 2.99% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4 67.16% 29.85% 2.99% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5 53.73% 13.43% 29.85% 2.99% 0% 0% 0%
6 0% 53.73% 13.43% 29.85% 2.99% 0% 0%
7 0% 0% 53.73% 13.43% 29.85% 2.99% 0%
8 0% 0% 0% 53.73% 13.43% 29.85% 2.99%
9 0% 0% 0% 0% 53.73% 13.43% 29.85%