1x [Titanstone Knuckles] removed from deck2025-03-05 03:02:23
Removed "Bellow of Rage"2025-02-24 20:19:55
Removed "Trinket"2025-02-24 20:19:15
4x [Cleaving Swipe] added to deck2025-02-24 20:18:40
4x [Decapitating Swing] added to deck2025-02-24 20:17:31
Removed "Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider"2025-02-24 20:16:07
Removed ""I Would Like to Rage!""2025-02-24 20:15:57
1x ["I Would Like to Rage!"] added to deck2025-02-24 20:15:51
4x [City Rampage] added to deck2025-02-24 20:15:32
Removed "Electric Moth"2025-02-24 20:13:07
Removed "Earthbreaker"2025-02-24 20:12:55
1x [Earthbreaker] added to deck2025-02-24 20:12:45
4x [Orphanmaker's Fury] added to deck2025-02-24 20:12:07
2x [Big Appetite] removed from deck2025-02-24 20:08:09
Removed "Referee Juri"2025-02-24 20:06:46
2x [Referee Juri] added to deck2025-02-24 20:06:41
2x [Trinket] added to deck2025-02-24 20:06:06
4x [Titanstone Knuckles] added to deck2025-02-24 20:04:39
Removed "Collecting Components"2025-02-24 20:03:43
1x [Heat Tolerance] removed from deck2025-02-24 20:02:51
1x [Titanic Combat] removed from deck2025-02-24 20:02:07
0x [Bellow of Rage] removed from deck2025-02-24 20:01:44
Removed "Teacher's Guidance"2025-02-24 17:07:31
Removed "Web Of Blades"2025-02-24 17:07:07
1x [The New #1] removed from deck2025-02-24 17:06:50
3x [Warm and Bubbly] added to deck2025-02-24 17:04:53
Removed "Serum Bullets"2025-02-24 17:04:29
Removed "Masked Menace"2025-02-24 17:03:48
4x [Masked Menace] added to deck2025-02-24 14:42:48
2x [Web Of Blades] added to deck2025-02-24 14:42:21
1x [Warm and Bubbly] added to deck2025-02-24 14:40:27
2x [Weapon Clash] added to deck2025-02-24 14:38:30
1x [Exam Strategy] added to deck2025-02-24 14:36:59
2x [Dragon's Fortitude] added to deck2025-02-24 14:36:39
1x [Dragon's Fortitude] added to deck2025-02-24 14:36:28
4x [Tough Skin] added to deck2025-02-24 14:35:24
4x [Stoic Enmity] added to deck2025-02-24 14:11:53
2x [Referee Juri] removed from deck2025-02-24 14:09:57
3x [Bellow of Rage] removed from deck2025-02-24 14:07:50
2x [Dragon's Fortitude] removed from deck2025-02-24 14:06:47
4x [Serum Bullets] added to deck2025-02-19 20:10:11
1x [Titanic Combat] removed from deck2025-02-18 23:02:06
1x [Teacher's Guidance] removed from deck2025-02-18 23:01:48
1x [Facing Danger] added to deck2025-02-18 23:01:26
Removed "Fateful Meeting"2025-02-18 23:01:22
1x [Fateful Meeting] removed from deck2025-02-18 23:00:47
2x ["I Would Like to Rage!"] removed from deck2025-02-18 22:59:26
1x [Electric Moth] removed from deck2025-02-18 22:58:11
3x [Big Appetite] added to deck2025-02-18 22:56:36
1x [The New #1] added to deck2025-02-18 22:56:23
1x [Red Counter] removed from deck2025-02-18 22:55:59
3x [Electric Moth] added to deck2025-02-18 22:55:33
2x [Grog's Rage] removed from deck2025-02-18 22:55:20
4x [Horn Dash Hammer] added to deck2025-02-18 22:54:38
3x [Fearsome Transformations] added to deck2025-02-17 21:28:25
1x [Facing Danger] added to deck2025-02-17 21:27:41
Removed "Defending Pageant Queen"2025-02-17 21:27:29
Removed "Masked Menace"2025-02-17 21:25:45
3x [Titanic Combat] added to deck2025-02-17 21:25:08
1x [The New #1] added to deck2025-02-17 21:24:42
Removed "Exam Strategy"2025-02-17 21:24:36
1x [Fateful Meeting] added to deck2025-02-17 21:24:10
2x [Heat Tolerance] added to deck2025-02-17 21:23:36
4x [Unstoppable Force] added to deck2025-02-17 21:23:01
Removed "Unstoppable Force"2025-02-17 21:22:36
Removed "Survival of the Fittest"2025-02-17 21:22:22
1x [Survival of the Fittest] added to deck2025-02-17 21:22:13
3x [Teacher's Guidance] added to deck2025-02-17 21:21:52
Removed "Strong Windup"2025-02-17 21:21:19
3x [Strong Windup] added to deck2025-02-17 21:21:14
3x [Ultra Regeneration] added to deck2025-02-17 20:26:41
3x [Toughest Punk in Junior High] added to deck2025-02-17 20:25:54
0x [Facing Danger] removed from deck2025-02-17 20:24:08
1x [Masked Menace] added to deck2025-02-17 20:23:34
1x [Big Appetite] added to deck2025-02-17 20:21:55
1x [Facing Danger] added to deck2025-02-17 20:21:27
1x [Defending Pageant Queen] added to deck2025-02-17 20:20:51
1x [Ultra Regeneration] added to deck2025-02-17 20:20:23
1x [The New #1] added to deck2025-02-17 20:19:47
2x [Fateful Meeting] added to deck2025-02-17 20:19:19
1x [Toughest Punk in Junior High] added to deck2025-02-17 20:18:54
1x [Fearsome Transformations] added to deck2025-02-17 20:18:25
1x [Teacher's Guidance] added to deck2025-02-17 20:16:15
1x [Heat Tolerance] added to deck2025-02-17 20:15:45
1x [Exam Strategy] added to deck2025-02-17 20:15:12
4x [Dragon's Fortitude] added to deck2025-02-17 20:14:53
1x [Unstoppable Force] added to deck2025-02-17 20:13:42
1x [Titanic Combat] added to deck2025-02-17 20:13:06
1x [Strong Windup] added to deck2025-02-17 20:04:21
1x [Survival of the Fittest] added to deck2025-02-17 20:03:11
4x [Collecting Components] added to deck2025-02-17 20:02:25
4x [Bellow of Rage] added to deck2025-02-17 17:31:06
4x [Red Counter] added to deck2025-02-17 14:54:04
4x [Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider] added to deck2025-02-17 14:53:02
1x [Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider] added to deck2025-02-17 14:52:54
1x [Electric Moth] added to deck2025-02-17 14:50:18
4x [Grog's Rage] added to deck2025-02-17 14:48:48
4x [Earthbreaker] added to deck2025-02-17 14:48:29
4x [Referee Juri] added to deck2025-02-17 14:47:43
4x ["I Would Like to Rage!"] added to deck2025-02-17 14:46:22
1x [Grog Strongjaw, Mighty Half-Giant] added to deck2025-02-17 14:45:21
Number of cards | Cards with block | Average block modifier | Average difficulty | Average control | |
Total | 73 | 73 | 2.29 | 2.88 | 4.45 |
Attack | 21 | 21 | 1.62 | 5.19 | 2.9 |
Foundation | 45 | 45 | 2.73 | 1.6 | 5.09 |
Asset | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 5 |
Action | 4 | 4 | 1 | 5 | 5 |
Character | 0 | 0 | - | - | - |
Backup | 0 | 0 | - | - | - |
Total | Average Block Modifier | 0 | |
High | 16 | 2.63 | 0 |
Mid | 42 | 2.21 | 0 |
Low | 15 | 2.13 | 0 |
Difficulty / Commited fundation | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
2 | 100% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
3 | 97.26% | 2.74% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
4 | 71.23% | 26.03% | 2.74% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
5 | 65.75% | 5.48% | 26.03% | 2.74% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
6 | 10.96% | 54.79% | 5.48% | 26.03% | 2.74% | 0% | 0% |
7 | 0% | 10.96% | 54.79% | 5.48% | 26.03% | 2.74% | 0% |
8 | 0% | 0% | 10.96% | 54.79% | 5.48% | 26.03% | 2.74% |
9 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 10.96% | 54.79% | 5.48% | 26.03% |